Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wish I was there (anywhere)

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind,

At the risk of sounding ungrateful - I am thankful for the sunlight streaming through our windows this morning, of the promise of a fresh, fall day (even though I will not be able to enjoy it much because of two very sick kids); thankful that my children will, God willing, get better, and that we have many, many blessings .....

I still long to be smack dab in the middle of this photograph. The point is that right now, I am not eager to be here, where I am, because of the chores that are already filling every nook and cranny of this Sunday; the realization that all the pounds that fell off in Ramadan are piling on once more (my exercise machine still folded neatly in its box; who knows when it will come out and if I'll be able to use it to total satisfaction without infuriating someone), and the fact that I have so much school work to do (oh, never did update my profession on this blog - I am now a full-time grade two teacher - more on that another time!!!! How did that happen?!!!)

So, my intellect is starving for mental stimulation. Yesterday, there were three workshops at the writer's fest I longed to attend, but no luck. I managed a 10 minute jaunt around the neighbourhood while Dad and Brother watched the girls, one cranky, one bubbly. I am grateful for that.......

But a winter that looms is hardly a comforting thought. Shuttling back and forth from school in the blizzard like conditions seems rather uncomfortable and then of course, the question - are we here to be comfortable? Of course not, discomfort, if tied to the remembrance of the One Who Can Remove all discomforts may actually be a good thing. We are not masters or mistresses (sigh) of our own universes. We must submit to the Will of the Creator. Hence, I have not exercised in over two months and it is driving me batty.

Hence, so much that I long to do but the acceptance that it is not for now, maybe never. Remember, mom. The symbol of patience in the face of God's Will - and the realization that I can't be in the photograph, because that isn't my destiny.

I thank my Creator for all that I have or don't have. He is the Most Wise, and Knows what's best for this miserable heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. May we remember what we need to be grateful before it's too late, Ameen.